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Welcome to StJost.Si
Šentjošt Information System located in Slovenia.

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In the quiet shelter of green forests and beautifull orchards lies the village Šentjošt. The older establishment goes back to the 12th century, as says tradition. It carres the name Saint Jošt.
Slovenska razlicica | English Version
Župnišce Šentjošt
Zgodovinski podatki o zupniscu Šentjošt.
Slovenska razlicica
Image Gallery
More than 200 images from our everyday life...
SILAQ Student Association
The SILAQ Student Association serves as a link among students from our area. We are united by the commitment to the heritage and an awareness of the meaningful nature and influence of organized groups on society.
Oratorij Šentjošt
Oratorij v Šentjoštu. Oratorij je veselo druženje z otroki.
Galerija slik z letosnjega oratorija
Horjul between green hills
Village Horjul lies 14 kilometres western from Ljubljan. Village is 340 metres above the sealine and has 1157 inhabitants. The older establishment goes back to the time of Roman Empire.
Slovenska razlicica
Draga Mladih
Slovenski oratorijski portal - Oratorij.Net
How to identify if your cow has MADCOW disease...

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